for Dan P, and others who follow the music of the night, a guide to post-midnight cuisine in Buffalo, culled from my recent experiences, and still growing.
Timmy Ho's (Tim Hortons for the uninitiated): 24-7, always there for you--in the Apple Zone, Clinton and Bailey; in the Charley on Delaware near Hertel; in the David, Kensington and Eggert; for honorable mention, the mini-Timmie's at the gas station at Main and Winspear. Pastries and the best free cuppa joe a hard working civil servant can ask for.
Jim's Steakout: open until 5 am, Elmwood and Allen, Elmwood North of Lafayette, Main North of Hertel, and Chippewa East of Delaware, if you can force your way through the crowds of drunken partyers on the notorious "Chip Strip". Tacos, wings, subs, specializing in steak things and burning hot things.
That Little Greasy Place with the Hard To Remember Name and the Bulletproof Glass and Dingy 70's Dining Area: Main and Fillmore, if you need anything--and I mean anything--24hrs a day. French Toast, a dozen different burgers, souvlaki, tacos, subs--the only thing they don't do (as far as I can remember) is pizza.
Don't pass up the Wilson Farms and assorted gas stations; especially gracious are the Wilson Farms operators who give free cappucino from the mini-Timmie's--rock on!
The find of the night: Louies, the best hotdog/burger joint in Buffalo, is open until four! Possibly the best chili dog I have ever et. Locations at Elmwood and Hodge, and elsewhere! ( street mission: find all the Louies!)
Of course, let us not forget the last desperate stands: McDonald's, available at Main and Utica-ish, and William and Jefferson (oddly, the next road south on Jefferson is Clinton--go figure): 99c parfaits/sundaes if your craving is ice cream, or splurge on a McFlurry! 24hr drive through! and if you're completely desperate, there's always Burger King--but have to be really desperate...Delaware and Amherst + Main just north of North.
If it's not too late--bar/pizza joints and bar/eateries are also an option.
And this is only scratching the surface: I haven't even scratched the surface on the Buffalo's specialty: pizza parlors. Compiling and comparing would be a life's work. A delicious life's work...
Well, it's six a.m., and in Detroit my dad's getting up to work out. I'm going to bed. cheers!
05 November 2005
midnight cuisine
etchings on old elephant bones by
the reified bean
in the year of the sojourn
Saturday, November 05, 2005

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