for all those who have heard my nonstop *itching lately about work and coworkers, i feel obligated to now state: i just got off an overnight and work is great. i love the quiet, the chill, the open roads, the low call volume, the free coffee, the ability to read an entire issue of BusinessWeek in one shift, the interesting calls, TV at Charlie and David quarters...i actually feel like i'm gettin the hang of i am one cheerful creature of the night.
of course, maybe it's just because of my recent rebirth as a vampire at Fillmore Wesleyan Church. :)

at any rate, it's time to curl up and get my eyes closed before the sun comes up.
scary dan.
How I miss that orange mop coming out of the shower in the morning, and the immortal words: "It's all yours, Chucky."
Wait...where's the mop? What did you do??? My world is crashing in!!! Nooooo...
*end existential rant*
<3 brother
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