Needless to say it was an awesome day. I don't know why God made summer in New York so bloody hot and humid, but so long as there are waterfalls and streams and rivers aplenty, I'll not complain too loudly. I think the highlight of the last few weeks has been meandering along Houghton Creek in the heat of the afternoon.
And that's not the only reason my grin-to-scowl ratio is greatly elevated from last year's norm--I am indescribably happy to be a part of a community again. My employer informed me the other day that my job description could be summed up in the simple phrase: "Be Dan Holcomb." I love the feeling that I'm actually integral and important and doing something few other people could do. Yes it makes me happy.
What also makes me happy is, though there are fewer friends in my life these days, I have never tasted of such quality fellowship--I am blessed to know some amazing people, and occasionally they stop by Houghton for an hour or two of fine coffe and simply phenomenal cinnamon rolls at the Daily Grind. Sometimes in a conversation you can find a part of yourself after long estrangement.
And, finally, a lighter note of circumstance: I think maybe I have located the Bush Whacker's* soul mate. Unfortunately, I was on the way to pick up my students from internship so I couldn't wait around for this particular Jeep's owner to show up...but I got a picture:

*Bush Whacker: Jeep belonging to the twilighttreader, similarly decorated with eccentric leftist bumperstickers and often the target of animosity from police officers and angry conservatives.
--Later Edit--
So here's how I abuse office hours:
I was pondering Nietzsche:
"Whoever fights monsters
should see to it that
in the process he does not
become a monster.
And when you look long into
the abyss, the abyss also looks
into you"
And I decided to see what the context was, hoping for a larger paragraph on the nature of knowledge, self-exploration, the depravity of humanity in general, etc. Unfortunately, the larger context is a collection of "Aphorisms and Interludes," so there is no exploration of the idea--unless you count, of course, the body of his work and eventual suicide. But I digress. In the name of a chuckle, I give you the context of his quite remarkable statement: women.
The sexes deceive themselves about one another: the reason being that fundamentally they love and honour only themselves (or their own ideal, to express it more pleasantly‑). Thus man wants woman to be peaceful ‑ but woman is essentially unpeaceful, like the cat, however well she may have trained herself to present an appearance of peace."
and a little later...
When a woman has scholarly inclinations there is usually something wrong with her sexuality. Unfruitfulness itself disposes one to a certain masculinity of taste; for man is, if I may be allowed to say so, `the unfruitful animal'.
Comparing man and woman in general one may say: woman would not have the genius for finery if she did not have the instinct for the secondary role.
He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you."
And a little later, a meditation on love:
That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil."
hmmm...peculiar. people call me a chauvanist.
that's okay Dan, the title chauvenist is rather liberally applied these days, as even I have had the lovely label affixed to me.
Loved your first paragraph by the way, especially the punch line in the closing two sentances. heheheee, very nicely said!
Congrats ont he atta boy from your boss! I'm glad you have found such a cool niche for your special talents and fun-loving personality! There are moments when life is truly grand aren't there?!! And those moments are the ones worth remembering, and working towards.
Great Post!
raised hair alone back and entire body. tail puffed up 3x its normal size. raaaeearr! fiisss! claw!
grins ;) did that satisfy your desire for a reaction? hehe or were you hoping for a dialogue? grins
holy crap. wasn't i just saying how much i like Nietzsche?
is it better to be an educated, esteemed chauvenist or an ignorant, dismissable chauvenist?
and btw, my latest post, however inarticulate, is dedicated to you.
Dan, come to Australia with me, sit in my back yard, and grill with me. You have a free place to stay, a free beach to roam on, and free mountains to frolick among.
Dan, SOOO glad you survived the "falls"! And and your brothers all tend to be that way once in a while! you anyway!
Dear Dan. Am SOOO glad you are in community. It saves souls, no?
and on that note, the only reason we haven't picked up your phone calls is becuase Mike's phone broke. Now however, it works.
peace, love and happiness yoyoyo.
ps. you know i don't really think you're a chauvanist, right? ;)
and i'm so jealous you get to go romping through wiscoy. grins i get to romp around on pavement. ;P
bro. so is that quote about the abyss really one about the male/female relationship? I know the abyss is usually negative, but what if we flip the metaphor on its head?
ok, nope. never mind. i read it again. k, see ya.
on another note - you think I should start posting on that thing I call a blog?
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