I just got out of the woods--a week of living outside in the rain, coddling flatlander softies and cajoling the tremulous into pushing themselves. I am so deeply and profoundly happy to be working not just with my hands, but with my heart.
Happy, happy, happy. My students actually begged me to lullaby them to sleep at night. I talked people up rope ladders and down zip lines and through puzzles and mazes and initiatives and built fires. What more could you ask for?

So I went home twice for various celebrations of my brother's escaping high school, and discovered the joy of Lord of the Rings miniatures strategy gaming and promptly played two straight all-nighters before settling for gaming only during twilight hours. The Men of Minas Tirith will hold fast!

And I got a satisfyingly bloody week of work in Buffalo, replete with two gunshots, an incredibly messy car wreck (see ambulance below, after brisk swabbing with towels), and of course the obligatory drunk guys.
Well. It's Houghton for me for the summer, with the Upward Bound students. I'm off to a barbeque tonight, and staff training tomorrow. Cheers!
Good to see that you're out of the woods.
hey, are you @H through september?
Hongera on the miles brudda!
Karibu back to civilization. I'm enjoying some decadent civilization in Switzerland now and stoked to hear you are well, kicking, and having fun! Nitakunywa bia moja nafikiri kwa wewe. Na bia hapa hapa ni SAFI kabisa! Crazy pics from work - dude! You are the man. And thanks for being home with the fam - especially on Dave's big day. Super bummed to have missed it.
Happy trails!
Yo Bro...
OH the cars and piki's in Switzerland... AUUGGHHHH yeah!
Dear Dan,
Just spent 30 minutes catching up on your entries and comments. Glad to know you're alive and thinking. Is it wierd that I miss Houghton a little bit? I'll give you a call when I get back to the States.
Hi Uan
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