i give.
there is a new lady in my life. and though it pains my stoic pride to admit it, she has inspired sheepish grins, unabashed rejoicing, and even little fits of giggling lately. Dr. Gallman introduced me to her the other night; it was a serendipitous meeting, completely unplanned...I'd almost decided not to go the International Banquet.
almost. it's a good thing I did.
funny enough, I'd just talked to my dad the other day, musing a littley amusingly about "the list"--attributes I didn't want to compromise on, traits I'd always admired.
"the ability to head off into the wilderness and carry her own weight is a plus...you know me, pop, so high-maintenance frills and frippery aren't important. I want a girl who just kills you grinning there, mud splattered on her face, miles from the beaten track, and doesn't need to be showered and shaved and tucked into bed every night...doesn't need a lot of coddling, doesn't need new accessories every payday...the kind where scratches and scars just add character and make you love her more."
and then a day later I was talking to Doc Gallman at the International Banquet. Wham. Bam. Slam. She hit everything on the list. And more.
she's just as old as I am--born in 1983, just hitting her prime. she grew up in America, but she's Japanese by birth and Japanese by family. That makes me excited more than anything--I've always gotten along best with cross-cultural sojourners, and I admire the reliability, practicality, durability, economy and grace of her Japanese heritage. Of course, maybe it's just the closest I'll ever get to being a samurai...
sure, other people may not think she's much to look at--but I find beauty in her simply graceful lines. she is elegant without being ostentatious--solid and durable where it counts, not plastic or a sporting a quick-fading faddish style.
and she's only got 90,000 miles on the engine--her people are well renowned for living well into their second or third hundred thousand miles. best of all, she's not only got the manual transmission, but the four-wheel drive as well, and the super-gas efficient, super-long lasting 4 cylinder engine. everything I've been looking for for over three months now, right under my nose, and for a lot cheaper than anything else out there.
here she is with the gracious and kind Dr. Gallman, last fall. isn't she lovely? I couldn't be happier. hongera for me!

ps--I have the next eleven days off of work...so I'll be alive during normal waking hours. and probably bored. and super-drugged up, because my wisdom teeth are getting pulled Tuesday. so you should call me. 716.698.4358. now you have no excuse.
A good Nissan, who can find?
wow. you're good...you should visit Hannah and I in Wellsville sometime for a meal or something. then we can go offroading..jk Cell- 585-610-8850
~tim w
Hahahahahaha!!! Speechless... but laughing my head and a few other parts off! YOU ROCK!
Jeff (with a big smile)
I was THIS close to thinking I might actually get another cool sister out of this! Ya bum. :)
BTW - we sure do miss you.
hahaha! Hongera!!! Old beautiful beat-up pick-up trucks are wonderful!! They have so much character! haha Being a *ehem* "farm girl" I happen to boast (probably shouldn't) some expertice on old beaters. grins I "learned how to drive" at age... 8... 9... 10... 11... grins on such a truck. Minus the manual. That I have yet to conquer.
And you definitely had me laughing my head off. grins
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