21 April 2006

o me, o my, i heard me ol' wife cry

yeah. best concert ever. somehow we scored fifth row tickets to a sold-out Great Big Sea show by showing up fifteen minutes after doors were supposed to open. rock on us. those guys can throw a concert...basically sang along to every song and now my throat is gone. but how can you not when they throw "General Taylor" out there right after "I'm a Rover" and "Donkey Ridin'" and "Excursion Around the Bay..."

and "Patty Murphy" and "Mari Mac" and "Jack Hinks" and "Lukey" and "Consequence Free"...

and a boatload of quite awesome new songs. including two about horses falling through the ice, and that beautifully thoughtful one about whether it's better to have a mermaid with the top half woman and the bottom half fish or the other way 'round...

so we sang real loud. and then when they did a brief montage of verses from eighties hair ballads and such...they stopped singing and let us carry along with Whitesnake, Summer of '69...yeah.

So, by the time the second encore rolled around, they came out and shushed the audience to the first complete hush in three hours and laid out a beautiful "Ol' Brown's Daughter" completely a capella, completely sans amplification. Complete and total awesomeness.

yeah. what a night. how could such a night be any better? well, i did get a sunburned scalp from clambering around at letchworth after cooking venison burgers on the first fire of the summer...

not a bad end to a slothfully uneventful week.

oh, yeah. and spent the first night of the season outside. underneath the crisp, clear sky full of Houghton stars. in the back of my truck. let the legendary travels begin.

with a nod to Joss Wheedon, I give you...the Lady Serendipitiy.


Dan said...

Lady Serendipitiy. I submit.

glad to see it was awesome

Christopher said...

because of you:

heart = happy.

Anonymous said...

You know, I saw a Nissan truck at your granddad's this weekend. The body may be in better shape than yours. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

I had a similar experience not too long ago. On Sunday I caddied, and I had the first Plum Hollow hotdog of the season.. . . . . . Summer has officially arrived!

Those things rock! Their as big as spicy sausages and the crew at the snack shack now how to cook them. I have yet to sleep outside this year though. . . way to greet the season and enjoy it's raw unbridled beauty!


rebequinha said...

Oh-so-jealous about the concert...But extremely glad to see you in the Houghton regions!!!!!! Come again sometime!