i think we create panic and feed on it. we want to fear, and there is a little masochist inside each of us that wants to feel pain. bored old ladies make up a different ailment every day so they can go to the hospital and break the routine. young mothers fake seizures on the way to the hospital for the same reason their young daughters fake being raped--significance. pity. attention. tragic posturing. importance.
basically the same reason, on a night like tonight, i'm tempted to binge in a little "i'm lonely in the big city" blogging, or perhaps some "my tragic history" indulgence, or mainline some "let me tell you about my childhood" misery. i didn't realize until putting on my uniform that Powers was planning on covering for me tonight so that I can take his Friday night shift and he can enjoy a night out with a beautiful lady. so sit here long enough and the ennui sets in and off runs the heart to the public pity medium to try to convert excess boredom into cheap significance via emotional gluttony. you aren't bored while in the sick throes of angst and over-worn-out personal tragedy.
huh. i'm a funny-lookin' person in the mirror.
so, Plan A down the drain, it's time to work on Plan B. I have decided that I am altogether too serious and dour. the Kingdom of Heaven is no place for the mopey/self-obsessed. it is an all-out party replete with wine, women, and song (and, hopefully, hibachis and steak...) and party poopers are frowned upon. I have discovered, to my dismay, a certain weakness in the celebration-side of life. Put me in a room with angst-ridden-sense-of-importance junkies and I will passionately be bitter about all the evil and bad isms that keep people frowning and shuffling along. But call up the dance and light the candles and pour out the alcohol of choice and I am stiff and looking for my bitter coffee. Declare a feast and I sit awkwardly and try to make polite conversation or introduce some subject that I can frown and feel important and sophisticated while discussing.
And there's Jesus over there whoopin' and hollerin' and making more wine when it's obvious everyone's had enough and pulling grouchy old Aunt Edna out on the dance floor for a cha-cha and I am at a loss for what to do because being important is not important while celebrating. rejoicing and laughing and playing games and other childlike traits--they are important.
So I need to get a lot better at celebration, which generally involves a deflated ego and a good bit of unsober gleefulness and laughter and--hah! Nickleback just started playing on my pretty little iPod. Case in point. Nickleback is a popular band that makes its living making sad-tough-guy music about how my girlfriend broke up with me and my family wasn't perfect and I'll never be allright and I'm angry and I'm sad and--dim shadows, empty whiskey bottles, browns and grays and dust always fading to black. Couldn't make a dancing tune to save their lives. God save us from seductive preprocessed canned some-one-else's-misery to titillate our carefully safe, carefully cultivated, carefully bored, carefully cool lives, and somehow empty selves. God save us from people who's favorite words (followed, of course with weighty and important sighs) are "God save us..."
Well. I'm going to try to find some way to redeem this evening that involves
a. laughter
b. absolutely nothing "serious", "important", "weighty", or "tragic."
c. unless the "tragic" could also be categorized under "schadenfreude".
d. because as the merriest of monks and ascetics knows, weightiness, dourness, seriousness and other forms of self-importance are bad.
e. and rejoicing is good.
p.s.--check out the hilarious Mormon guy's faux pas on Jeopardy
20 February 2006
etchings on old elephant bones by
the reified bean
in the year of the sojourn
Monday, February 20, 2006

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Come swing some rice straw fireballs and play in the snow, in and out of the shadows of snow monsters with me. :) The one is sure to get your blood pumping. Definitely an adrenaline rush. The other is simply pure fun and fills you with awe as the fingers of the wind play with snow and ice on trees.
And now I'm going to go to bed because I'm going to do the slightly insane and get up at 3am to watch the Olympics Women's Figure Skating. Nuts. But it's my favorite. 2nd favorite. The couples free dancing skating is my favorite. grins Dancing is a bit in my blood. :)
night Dan.
Or you could do your tax return! That's what I'm doing this morning since a client cancelled. I toyed with bike riding, since the sun is shining; Nah, its only 27 deg F. Warmer days are comeing!
Heck, you might get a nice fat refund check! It could be worth the 8 hours or so you might have to invest in it.
Even though I lost you as an exemption this year, I still get $800 back. And I didn't pay in a dime! Go figure.
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