so yesterday morning i couldn't sleep even though i knew i would pay for it later. so instead of sleeping the morning away in preparation for work, i curled up in my sleeping bag in my not-so-comfy comfy chair next to the big windows in my room and pulled back the curtains a little (the room is cold enough as it is) and drank cider and listened to Christmas music and watched the rain fall. i love rain, especially watching it fall as all the typically inconsiderate aspects of life tiptoe around selfconsciously because "ssssshhh--the rain is talking!" and I love Christmas music because it is, and i didn't get to listen to any at all except for a few snatches on the radio about how grandma's drunken stupor led her into the path of an inconsiderate grass-guzzling all-brawn no-finesse H3 of a reindeer.
except that it was actually yesterday afternoon, cause there i was trying to sleep days again and i screwed up my sleep schedule again so that now i want nothing more than to wake up around ten a.m. and go to sleep around three p.m.--the former being four hours into my off-time and the latter being just about when it's time to get up and get ready for work. but spending yesterday afternoon watching the-rain-fall-with-a-cup-of-hot-cider just doesn't quite cut the mustard. you're missing half of the great experience that i had, and i wouldn't want to rob you of that.
well. and now i'm sitting here wondering if i can type another five hours until bedtime, because i have to stay awake until about six or seven so that i can sleep and get up at six (that's a.m., as in the actual morning) for my eight to midnight overtime. yeah overtime. that should be me into bona fide overtime for this pay period, and then everything else extra that i tack on is time and a half!
and i used to get excited for christmas break. i warn you all: be ready for the ensuing gosh-darn-i-feel-old-what-do-they-teach-children-in-schools-these-days posts, because i'm sure i shall age all of my characteristic grace, and i seriously think my arthritis in my right hand is flaring up. booh-yah--anyone want to talk about the price of perscription drugs?
in other news, the "email me" is fixed. so you can email me now if you don't know my address. and i got to drive to Pennsylvania and back last night, lights and sirens the whole way! made a two-hour trip in an hour-fourty, in the pouring rain! yeah backroads! picked up a little newborn Am-let (that's little Amish lad) and drove him back, just as fast, and now he breathes a lot easier. hoo-ray for me!
05 February 2006
goodbye vocabulary
etchings on old elephant bones by
the reified bean
in the year of the sojourn
Sunday, February 05, 2006

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Yeah for the omlet,. . . . amlet, whatever.
where did you drive in PA?
you should get together with perrine and share weird-sleeping schedule stories; he's got a few good ones.
dan! remember that nice liitle scrap of paper.. maybe a receipt, maybe a dirty bar napkin? weLL weLL weLL.. you know how these things are prone to happenning.. God is the onLy one left who knows where that nice information is. luckily-! i remembered the name and googled it. googLe is inCREDible.. so yes, here i am-months and months later.. and if you are still in buffaLo we should grab coffee. as hard as coffee is to grab, we wiLL try our darndest. i tried emaiLing you through that link, but i had some troubLe.. and i dont remember the address. so! either give a caLL 516.398.1907 or email me-
now that i wrote aLL of this, i am wondering if you will check this website for comments.. hmmm. hope so. ok. well, that is all i have i guess
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