04 April 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, Our Saviors...

Sales of children's books printed before 1985 banned in the US.

Several months ago, George Will warned us of the danger of ADD legislation--sweeping, emotionally driven reform through nebulous legislation that calls for action without careful thought of structure or consequences. That we leave up to the experts--the bureaucrats. And they apply desktop logic (not business or common sense) to the problem and, voila! China toy scare (which affected how many people?) and we pass legistlation in hysterical fear and...now you are safe from beautiful heirloom collectible golden-age children's books which cause no harm to anyone and it is a tragedy to destroy!

These are the bureaucrats who will save us from media-fed panics. Now, hey presto, let's expand their power to the administration our economy. This, folks, is why ordinary people who work for a living are scared of bureaucrats with controlling governmental interest in the private sector. They tamper with what they do not understand to the ominous chant of THE GREATER GOOD.

(Hat Tip to Fearsome Comrade, Fellow of the Boar's Head Tavern.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh. The new orthodoxy. We'll be driving electric cars, paying higher energy bills, and more. The stuff this administration is pushing down our throats makes me long for the return of the religious right.