08 November 2007

This is what I did Tuesday

First snowy day of the season...bad time to go canoeing.

watch the "video on demand" to see Ange Szymanski in his red Search and Rescue jacket.

the most accurate article.

Yeah, I'm a volunteer firefighter. Wear your lifejackets, little children.


timollie said...

Neither of the links are working, Dan... And I'm typing backwards which is really weird...

the reified bean said...

Hmmm. You are correct. And I also am typing backwards. This is wierd. If I was a programmer, I would know how to correct this...

On that Tuesday a teenager drowned in Rushford Lake. I had the unfortunate honor of assisting the body retrieval. Those links were to local newspapers/video coverage of the search/rescue efforts. I which you could see Ange Szymanski. So, please wear your lifejackets, everyone, everywhere, unless you are a strong swimmer and smart enough not to go canoeing when it's cold, windy, and you are not a skilled canoeist. And if you are a programming, come to my aid! dlh