And, since the boss is out of town this week, I'm out of work. Hooray for Lost Season Two (holy crap stressful ending batman!) We missed the Season Three premier by an hour because we broke for dinner before watching the Season Two finale...bummer. You can't watch a season premier when you're totally excited about the last season's season finale. Have to see if we can catch it on rerun or iTunes or something.
so. I have to go do office work. but for your enjoyment (if blogger doesn't mess with me): pictures!

"Dance the spears with me, dark one!" If you look close you can see Mollie's not-quite-bemused disbelief in the background.

So this is the museum of art where Rocky runs up and down the stairs while getting in shape to the tune of "Eye of the Tiger", and they put this statue of him up in the middle of the steps, and then everybody said, dude, Rocky isn't art, so they took the statue down, and then all the tourists complained, so they put it back, but this time in a discrete corner so that the artsy fartsy types wouldn't be insulted and the tourist types could get their pictures. but that's unimportant. important: I'm rockin' awesome. A frickin' tank. Rock Out Me!

Ummnm. Hi? She likes to dance. And I have a cool hat.

And, hey why not pay a little homage to karate kid, can't see Timmie doing the same thing next to me, while people are trying to take their wedding pictures with us in the background. Yes. Wedding pictures. Four separate weddings rolled up to take pictures in front of the museum. And with Rocky. What can you say? It's Philly...
With that big, goofy smile you have in the photo in front of the fountain, you look like Lloid Christmas. Yes, Dumb and Dumber!!
Peace, brother. One of my customers called me a hippie for saying 'Peace' as a farewell. What can I say? I hug trees.
Nice dancing photo!
You may or may not know but over the summer I went English Country Dancing every Tuesday night for like, at least a month. That plus two homeschool dances gave me a taste for dancing and a little experience.
I realised I miss it now. I frequently have the urge to find a girl and waltz!! . . . I know . . .wierd . . . . but definitely me . . .
Fortunately I was able to attend a Barn dance Crusade was hosting. We did line dances, which are like English Country but easier . . .
And then I got to teach a pretty lass the basic swing dancing steps. . . . ahhhh great fun!
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