Upward Bound is done, finished off with a splendid banquet. I actually got to sit back and enjoy last weekend instead of trying to resolve staff conflict or sort out some kind of intervention strategy for bad study habits or prep for another week. The Properts were away on vacation, so I got a dog and a house with a beautiful view, too. And a DVD player. Ah, happy.
I'm a little sad-faced about it though. Those were good students. I didn't get to know them nearly as well as I wanted to. I will miss them...
They are a pretty unique community, these Upward Bounders--they inhabit a place where they are allowed to be their normal teenage selves in an environment shaped by and infused with Christianity which welcomes them to come and build their own creative community without having to conform to Christian norms.
Basically, it rocks out. You can be part of the transforming work of Christ in community without all the nasty expectations of conformity that make the church boring and miserable.
Funny, Yesterday felt like the most relaxing day of the summer, and it was the most productive of them all. A day of discoveries:
-the awesomeness of Feta Cheese on Pollywogg Holler Pizza
-a clear, cold spring on the other side of the Genesee flowing with water that is so much better than Houghton-On-Tap
-Bittersweet Symphony Ice Cream at the Oramel Coffee shop
-An old, old cemetary on Cronk Hill
-Lattice Bridge
-Higgin's Hole, on my new favorite Creek in the Whole Wide World (that would be Higgin's Creek)
-Sour Green Apple Kool-Aid while chillin' with the Shaffners (finally! after a summer of hasty teatimes and IM conversations) on their front porch
-Philip Christensen is ridiculously awesome...and a putz!
-V for Vendetta is still an awesome movie.
-The habits of the woodland Shaffners in their native habitat can be quite...peculiar.
And all of that after church. I think I accomplished more living in that one day than all of last August. I like it here.
banqueting picture: I like it here.

--edit again--
check out this guy, scroll down to "Feminism and Beer Ads"...especially if your name is Gustav.
huh. and to think that i didn't wake up until 4:30 PM.
i think i still find it strange to hear myself being referred to as a "shaffner." how 'bout the lao shaffners?
you guys are awesome. come by anytime.
can i come sit on your front porch in tanzania? ;)
awesome picture, by the way. grins looked like you guys had a lot of fun. :) i miss not having a language barrier between me and kids... but i've still managed to build good relationships with my kids here. take this past friday for example. i played hide'n'seek with 2 of my first grade girls for 2 hours. 2 HOURS!! haha we had a blast! AND i learned how to play hide'n'seek in japanese. grins
hey bro, are you really thinking of coming down and working at black rock retreat? that's like 20 min from my house! we could hang out all the time!!! =)
Danny bear!
I heard you were wondering how to contact a fellow wanderer who's ship is newly launched from the good port Southfield. newho . . . . since I realised just a second ago that posting such information here might actually not be as smart as I at first thought, I will now go and send you an e-mail . . . which is I suppose, slightly safer.
So yeah, glad to hear you've been enjoying life . . . right now I'm home for Labor Day weekend, after two weeks of life in Sparty land. Talk about new things and weird people . . .. I'm going to post a link to my xanga in this comment, because I wrote there about my first week at state. My second week wasn't nearly as humorous, and was a lot more dramatic, in a not so good way . . .
So yeah, keep an ear out for that e-mail . . .
Forgot to leave you the link . ..
There you go!
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