25 July 2005

in the words of the great lindsay musser

GOOD LORK! I have amazing friends!

I moved into my new apartment/house/room situation Thursday and have been "offline" ever since (I never realized the extent to which the last few years of my life have become wired...) So today I am checking my email and smiling in great relief for all of the wonderful people. But smiling very quietly because my nieces are sleeping in the next room and their mommy and daddy are off shopping, so I have no one to pass them off to should they awake unhappily. my nieces leave for Africa Friday (their parents are going, too) where they will live in Moshe, Tanzania and no doubt terrorize the nieghborhood on their new, bright pink bicycles and squeals of glee. Anna drives like her dad (and her uncle dan) and this is not necessarily a good thing.

I have a some pictures and a few good stories and a great many thoughts on solitude and change, but i foisted my cameraphone on the wandering parents in the off chance that I need a lifeline...

With hope, I will be able to wander down to Houghton sometime next week and snag my computer, purchase a snazzy wireless card, and get connected with the house network (I live with a group of "students" and internet is, of course, not optional).

I have discovered the cure for urban cabin fever: urban expeditioning! I set off towards the setting sun yesterday to discover fields, a playground, an old quarry, and a crumbling football stadium with trees growing up through the old concrete bleachers (of course I trespassed!). Then I proceeded to pick up my mountain bike from the shop, run my favorite mixture of Bill Cosby routines, Grits, Redemption Songs and Maroon 5 through my headphones on random, and terrorize the park paths, small ratdogs, curbs, piles of dirt, hills, and other potential jumps and speedy patches of the city. I only incurred several small scratches in the process, and an unhealthy, unabating urge to attempt to ride down those wide stone park stairs at top speed while dodging strolling senior citizens and lovebirds and avoiding the "lake" (it's a duck pond with pretensions--I grew up on the Great Lakes, baby!) at the bottom. Life went from miserable to 20 mph in four seconds flat, and I have the next three days off!

1 comment:

karrde said...

Ahh, life on a bike in the big city.

A little more exciting than my situtaion: life on foot in a small city. Although I can always drive my car (thirsty beast that she is) if I feel the need.