07 April 2004

Big Thanks must go out to:
Mum and Pops: for emails and love, for instigating a birthday card campaign, and for getting all those little things done that crop up when a man is overseas. Love ya!
Joy: for the coolest card your big brother has ever recieved. I love being your big brother!
Uncle Chuck, Hiram, Alo, and Becca Clark: for making Valentines Day really special. I pounded so many Jolly Ranchers (note to readers...the length of enjoyment/packing weight ratio for these is very, very high...what an excellent idea for care packages :) )
Howard and Jacoby: for being super cool. and keeping in touch.
Cheryl Winter: for my first honest-to-goodnes real solid letter. I will write you back...but for now, yes, I posit all the time, and Mike and Christine abuse me when I begin suggesting that maybe we ought to apply Community Organization and Development, and Ostrom's Framework for Crafting Institutions for Self-Governing Irrigation Systems, to the lack of hot water in the communal showers.
Deanna: for an utter shocker of a surprise real letter that arrived the day after homestay, a few days before my birthday, and enabled me to triumph with glee over Tegan and Katrina because I got a Deanna letter!. Thanks for reading...hope all is going well.
Schmutz: for a perfectly timed email about my favorite subject. Frodo Lives! See you sooner than you imagine, bub. Bring a sweater.
Donna: for an encouraging card and a very encouraging gift. Let's get together when I get home; I'm excited to see how you're doing. Everyone in my village knows you from the canoe trip pictures :)
All those who sent Birthday cards: awesome. I feel the love...now what do I do with all these balloons? :)
Jen Gerow: for chipper emails and encouragement...
Mosher: for color commentary on the amazing adventure you're on! every time I think about complaining about homestay meat (mostly cubes of skin and rubbery fat) I think about beetles and ant-eggs and smile...
All the rest of you...you know who you are. See ya soon!

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