But I have to say I have been spending a good majority of my online time here and here and here. Yes, you're right, I never actually pay attention to my facebook wall or posts or inbox. That's because there is no score and bragging rights attached. Speaking of bragging rights, I now have plenty of time to blog because my 10-3, #1 in the league Team Billabongeritis got knocked out in the first round of playoffs by some Hutchdaddy 6-7 upstart from Shenawana and his friends with influence, notably the running-back gods and whoever's great idea this blizzard was.. So much for the best record in the league. I hate playoff systems.
So all this to say, years back I found something notable on from the internet monk, shared it with a few people, and completely forgot about it. Apparently I have done something with my life, as others latched on to the old philosopher. Thanks to brother Jeff, who has no quicklink because he lives in the Dark Ages where he would rather wander the Serengeti in pursuit of small, helpless grazing animals to pick on, I have rediscovered the monk and added him to my regularly browsed feeds on Google Reader. I like the simplicity of his Advent meditation.
This is pretty cool too, if you like Phil Collins.
Oh. And Merry Christmas to all!
Tegan (look! you get a special mini blog post all to yourself! you should be proud. anecdotally, i was very happy the other day to remember my xanga password for the first time in months and actually be able to read your blog again. it made me happy. where was i? oh, her name is eileen and she works for upward bound and likes to dance and wear hats which she describes as "cute" and read Barbara Kingsolver and try out new recipes with organic and local food and in fact she is a not-a-lot-of-meat-arian and there are quite a few things about her but i will be skewered by many if i fail to mention that she also likes coffee quite a lot. can you tell from my writing that i finally bought a Dave Eggers book? i did.)
Well, Tegan, just because I can, I dedicate this song to you.