My birthday present(s)!

A sunset from the sunset-dude, a road trip from the road trip girl!

she looks and smells gorgeous after four showerless days living out of a hatchback...

i look and smell differently after four showerless days living out of a hatchback! but(t), I get to wear these awesome birthday-handed-me-down my-very-first-pair-of-Carhartt's beefy-man-pants. Yeah Dan Sahli!

The New River Gorge, West Virginia--Western Hemisphere's Largest Arch Bridge. And more sunshine than we have in Western New York, where it has decided to snow. All weekend.

Happy Birthday to Me!
OH--and we went and saw the Decemberists in concert. The amazing lady accordion-player, as well as several other musicians, were consumed by a sea monster during the finale. Really. They rock out...with sea shanties.